Lekwa’s Lubabalo Majenge believes in communication

This bachelor is fluent in isiXhosa, isiZulu, and English, more than 50% fluent in seSotho, and understands 5% of Afrikaans.

A highly-qualified graduate with an MBA became the communications manager at the Lekwa Municipality.

Lubabalo Majenge, from Mount Frere in the Eastern Cape, completed a BA in communications at Fort Hare University.

He then studied for a post-graduate diploma in business administration before doing his MBA at the University of the Free State.

Majenge worked for the SABC as a journalist for a few months and was in front of the mic at two radio stations.
He focused on an educational programme for the national broadcaster.

“I enjoy telling the community what Lekwa is doing. I use communication as a tool for people to empower themselves, and lives are changed that way,” he said.

This bachelor is fluent in isiXhosa, isiZulu, and English, more than 50% fluent in seSotho, and understands 5% of Afrikaans.

At the time of the interview on July 11, he had been in Standerton for a week. That was not enough time to work out the best jogging route, but when he has settled, he will resume his daily regimen.

Majenge intends to join the Standerton Marathon Club for their time trials. He did the Two Oceans Marathon in 2018, the Cape Town Marathon, and the Sowetan Marathon twice, with bronze medals as proof.

The Comrades Marathon beckons.

“I will do it, but haven’t found enough time to train for the Comrades yet,” he said.

This Orlando Pirates fan played soccer and enjoys watching other sporting codes such as rugby, cricket and swimming on TV.

As for being a manager, the MBA prepared him somewhat.

“The course challenges one to think out of the box. One learns to analyse and how to position yourself for future endeavours.

“It also makes one understand the whole operation of an organisation.”

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Majenge chuckled when asked what made him laugh, but the cold weather in Standerton certainly did not qualify.
He believes a good manager should have a vision.

“The vision must translate into practical plans for implementation. One should be able to communicate well with workers and convince or even persuade them to follow you.”

His name means ‘benediction’, and in 10 years, he sees himself moving up in the organisation.

“Lekwa has many challenges,” was a fact admitted to in the interview.

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