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Fourth substation vandalised in Cullinan

The Cullinan Magistrate’s Court, surrounding residents and Cullinan Sorgsentrum, were still without power on Tuesday morning.

Criminals vandalised a substation in Cullinan over the weekend. They gained access to the Zonderwater substation by cutting the fence.

The culprits further broke a window and then used a chair to enter the substation. The substation was thoroughly stripped for parts and copper.

The criminals burnt parts close to the substation in their rush to get to the copper it contained. The suspects also drained the oil from the substation and left the scene in a dire state. A case was opened with SAPS Cullinan who will investigate.

“Evidence was handed over to the officers to assist with the case. It is currently too early to determine if this case can be linked to other cases of vandalism in the area,” said Ward 100 Clr Johannes Bekker.

The substation was vandalised over the weekend.

“This vandalism affected the electricity supply to the areas of the Zonderwater Prison, Zonderwater College, sorgsentrum, Cullinan Magistrate’s Court and several residents. The trend is to use the oil for medicinal uses as it is believed to hold special powers.”

He said various pieces of equipment and parts were stolen and the contractor appointed was able to source the necessary equipment and parts to repair the substation.

“This substation is currently being refurbished with the relevant departments and technicians on site. The contractor appointed has experience in refurbishing substations and will be assisted by technicians to complete the task,” said Bekker.

The criminals vandalised the substation during a bout of load-shedding and used the dark to their advantage.

The vandals gained entry to the substation by breaking a window.

Some areas were switched back on after the team assessed the damage on Monday. The Cullinan Magistrate’s Court, surrounding residents and Cullinan Sorgsentrum, were still without power on Tuesday morning.

“These will be energised as soon as the team complete the task at hand,” said Bekker.

A meeting involving Zonderwater officials, Bekker and Eskom was held at the substation to discuss options to secure the area as it is prone to vandalism. The old building next to it was stripped completely.

“The area was closed off while I visited the site and the officials welded burglar bars for the windows that were damaged. Diamond Alarms will also do patrols to assist with safeguarding the substations,” said Bekker.

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