eMbalenhle cops arrest shopkeeper for rape

He allegedly threatened to shoot the woman if she screamed.

A foreign national tuck shop owner was arrested in eMbalenhle Ext 7 and charged with rape on May 7.

According to Constable Busi Mthethwa, the spokesperson for the eMbalenhle police, a 30-year-old woman was walking from eMbalenhle Mall when the suspect allegedly called her as she passed his shop to offer her a job selling kotas and chips.

The suspect then took the victim to where she worked, but as soon as they entered, the man began touching and kissing the woman.

When she resisted, the suspect produced a firearm and threatened to kill her if she screamed.

Mthethwa said the man undressed the woman, raped her and then released her.

The victim ran to the police station and reported the crime.

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