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Learners can now apply for Sasol bursary

Applications close on May 23.

Sasol’s bursary applications for the 2024 academic year are now open. The company invites all high-achieving Grade 12 learners to apply.

Matebello Motloung, Sasol’s Manager for Group Media Relations, said learners with a passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can apply for this all-inclusive undergraduate bursary which is open to learners who are planning to study towards a BEng, a BSc(Eng) or a BSc in chemistry and metallurgy degree.

The applications close on May 23 2023.

Motloung said last year Sasol awarded 255 bursaries to undergraduate, postgraduate and university of technology students for the 2023 academic year.

“Our bursary programme is not only about developing our pool of talent – it is about developing a STEM ecosystem that helps our nation to be more competitive and create better opportunities for the youth,” said

Monica Luwes, manager of the Graduate Centre at Sasol.

“If you want to help innovate for a better world and solve problems for our communities, a career in STEM might be for you.

“If we grant you one of our bursaries, you will not only gain tertiary education but also the opportunity to start and succeed in your career for the new decade.

“South Africa is facing a profound shortage of STEM skills.

“If you are in Grade 7 and are about to choose your subjects for matric, it is a great idea to consider studying mathematics and physical science.

“Good passes in these subjects will enable you to study STEM degrees at the tertiary level.

“Remember, Grade 11 results will be used for your initial applications to universities and for bursaries.”

The bursary covers tuition fees, accommodation, meals, pocket money and an allowance for a laptop and calculator. It also provides comprehensive bursary support to help you to reach your academic potential and maintain your well-being.

To be considered for the bursary, a student needs to get 60% for mathematics, 60% for physical science and 60% for English.

Upon completion of studies, they may offer you an opportunity to join the Sasol Graduate Development Programme.

Sasol will also be awarding various undergraduate/postgraduate bursaries for BEng degrees (chemical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, mining engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering and industrial engineering), BSc degrees (metallurgy, geology, chemistry), data science (computer science), data science (mathematics), data science (operations research), data science (statistics) and a BEng Tech degree at a university of technology (mine surveying and others).

Visit Sasol’s website at www.sasolbursaries.com to apply.

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