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Streeknuus journalist nominated for prestige award

Dorette Labutte is one of the top 10 finalists in the category of conceptual art in the Africa Photographic Awards.

Dorette Labutte is one of the top 10 finalists in the category of conceptual art in the Africa Photographic Awards.

Labutte, who is the Streeknuus journalist in Bronkhorstspruit, is known on the art scene for her photographic work in which she tackles issues such as gender-based violence and domestic abuse.

One of these photos earned her recognition in the Sasol New Signatures competition last year and is now placing her in the finals of the Africa Photographic Awards.

Title: Sunset.

The Africa Photographic Awards intend to create a competition that challenges individuals as photographers. It includes all styles, levels and approaches to photography, which means they invite anyone to enter. The panel of judges is renowned in the industry.

They come from different backgrounds and experiences and embody different styles of photography. All of them are highly accomplished, experienced and expert professional photographers.

This is a first in the industry that such an astute and expert panel of judges has been created. Labutte remembers her first camera as if it was yesterday.

Title: Waking Dream – Lost and Found.

“My dad gave it to me. It was a Cannon and used film. It was a magical experience,” she said.

She obtained her first digital camera in 2007. This was also the time she began experimenting with conceptual photography as a form of poetic art in which she could utter her inner turmoil and emotional trauma.

However, it was only about three years ago that Labutte found her voice in her art and gave other women the courage to speak out.

Title: Waking Dream – Hopelessly Optimistic.

“If I can change just one person’s life with my art, I would have accomplished enough,” she said.

According to Labutte, conceptual photography is like fine art. It is a different genre, for instance, wildlife photography or portrait photography.

Each genre requires a special eye and being a master in one does not make you a master in another.

“I concentrate on nudes – but they are not vulgar,” she quickly adds.

The nudes and natural light portray the vulnerability in her work.

Labutte has rubbed shoulders with big names in the art world, such as Roger Ballen, Diane Victor and Gordon Froud.

Her work is currently on exhibition at 44 on Stanley. They will announce the winners of the Africa Photographic Awards at a prestigious awards ceremony on April 11.

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