Golfers compete in the 2023 club championships at Walker Park and Graceland

Walker Park and Graceland Hotel Casino and Country Club hosted their golf club championships on Saturday, March 11.

Golfers took to the greens to compete in their 2023 club championships, held on March 11, at Walker Park Golf Club and Graceland Hotel Casino and Country Club.

On Walker Park greens, Henco Coetzee claimed first place in the A division. Peppie Petherbridge finished first in the B division and Anthony Naudé won the C division.

In the women’s club championship, Deane Jansen finished first in the A division. Rosemarie Rudolph claimed first place in the B division and Michelle Radyn won the C division.

Club manager MJ Russell finished first in the women’s D division. On Graceland’s greens, Isaac Mahlangu was crowned as the men’s club champion in the A division.

Riaan Burger was first in the B division. First place in the C division was Vic Esterhuizen. Cherise Stapelberg was the women’s club champion for Graceland.

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