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Govan Mbeki Municipality still fails to give answers about water

Popi Act apparently prevents the municipality from saying if farmers were criminally charged.

For residents of Bethal and eMzinoni making alternative arrangements to acquire water for themselves are now part of daily life as Govan Municipality Municipality and Rand Water fail to do so.

Residents have experienced dry taps since November last year and have resorted to buying drinking water.

The spokesperson of Govan Mbeki Municipality, Donald Green, when asked what the municipality is doing to fix the water situation in Bethal, said some areas in Bethal are receiving water.

“The problem is the backup generator on the side of Rand Water,” said Green.

“The water utility is finalising the procurement process for repair of this generator, which has multiple breakdowns and affecting the pumping of water to region one during the load-shedding.”

However, it is not only during load-shedding that residents are left without water. The few who do receive water said the water comes on when they are at work for an hour and by 17:00 when they get home, the water is gone.

Green could also not tell the Ridge Times if anyone has been arrested for illegal water connections.

This comes after the mayor, Nahlakanipho Zuma, alleged at a press conference that municipal officials found illegal water connections when they walked and drove on farms between Trichardt and Bethal.

He then also said those farmers will be criminally charged.

However, Green also failed to answer the Ridge Times when asked at which police station a case was opened and when these alleged water thieves will appear in court.

“The municipal legal section is looking into that matter,” said Green.

He then referred to the Popi Act.

This is not the first time Bethal and eMzinoni residents are experiencing water problems on such a large scale.

Ridge Times reported on similar problems in 2019. At the time, municipal spokespersons also alleged illegal water connections on farms that contributed to the water problems.

Not only are residents battling to keep up with the extra costs of buying water, but schools are also struggling without water.

“At our school, we are fortunate we can continue classes because we have a borehole and water tanks, but several schools in our community have to close earlier because of this dire situation. The municipality has failed to provide a solution,” said one of the school principals.

“We believe a child has the right to education and the local municipality has not only failed when it comes to serving the community but also prevented children from receiving education.

“Parents, staff members and learners are feeling the pressure of the water crisis. Water is a basic human right and education is one of the most important rights of any child.

“I am deeply concerned about our situation as this is unconstitutional,” said the principal.

The constant load-shedding situation in Bethal where municipal load-reduction is added to the daily Eskom cuts also does not make life any easier for residents.

The principal of this school said they had to spend an incredible amount they had not budgeted, to look for alternative energy supply solutions because of the constant power failures in Bethal.

“Burglaries also increased when the power began going off so often. We had to look at alternative security measures as well,” said the principal.

On Govan Mbeki Municipality’s Facebook page, where updates on the water crisis are posted, no reasons are provided why there is no water, nor are there indications where water trucks are available.

Residents left these comments on the Facebook page:
• For more than four months in Ext 23 without water. You are still telling us lies.

• This is water-shedding and there is foul play here, that’s why there’s sabotage to supply. Show us proof that you paid Rand Water.

• I’m so sick and tired of this. Week in and week out I must fight to get you to do your jobs! This is my view week in and week out!

• So, we’re not worrying about Bethal’s water issue anymore. Bethal is also punished with an additional three hours after Eskom load-shedding after you did maintenance for how long the other day. I am beginning to wonder why are we still paying our municipal bills. We’re subsidising those who aren’t paying and suffering in the process too.

• These excuses serve no purpose. Lately, GMM is owing Rand Water, hence a reduction of supply, period.

• There is no such thing as you know that you don’t pay. That’s why they shut the water down. What do you do from the budget every year?

• You need to tell us the truth. When will we be able to have water that’s all not all this nonsense

• Residentia (Palmoord) old age home and area is without water since December 2022. Please fix the problem.

• In Ext 5 and 6 we haven’t seen that water truck you talking about.

• Am I the only one that has never seen a water truck since this water issue started?

• You are disgusting, you are lying. No trucks are going to Ext 5. Stop lying.

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