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Rosie the mange dog from Bethal makes a miraculous recovery

“My wish is that no more animals suffer. It is heartbreaking to sit with these broken souls,” said Dada.

Jaw-dropping is the best way to describe Rosie’s recovery.

A dog called the “demon-possessed monster” by the informal settlement community has made a fantastic recovery after being surrendered to Bethal’s ProjectUthando, animal welfare workers, and volunteers Dada Pietersen, Nicolas Ngcongwana, Rita Pretorius and Joe Bezuidenhout.

Although there is still a long road to full recovery, and the possibility of lifelong treatment, Rosie’s hair is growing back after a horrendous case of mange that was worsened by neglect.

It took months before Nicolas, Rita, and Joe could capture Rosie in the informal settlement because she always ran away and hid.

Rosie had been severely neglected and had mange when she was rescued in November 2022 by ProjectUthando volunteers Dada Pietersen, Nicolas Ngcongwana, Rita Pretorius and Joe Bezuidenhout.

Because of the severe neglect, Rosie was fearful of humans.

Now, two months into her recovery, she is unrecognisable compared with how she looked when first rescued.

Rosie’s hair is growing back, and she is eating well (although aggressive with her food when other dogs are near) and interacting with furry friends and humans. She is also learning how to play with a ball and toys.

“She is so funny and has the cutest personality,” said Dada.

She said Rosie also enjoys playing with a rescued puppy.

Rosie is due for sterilisation on January 16 at Kanonkop Animal Clinic in Middelburg.

The injury to Rosie’s left eye could possibly be from to the severe mange she had.

She was on heat last month, and keeping her separated from other dogs was a nightmare.

“I am pleading with pet owners to please spay your animals. If you can afford to buy an animal, you can afford to sterilise it,” said Dada.

She said education on the sterilisation of animals is crucial to prevent more animals from ending up like Rosie or, in the worst-case scenario, in dog fighting.

“A lady from the informal settlement that Rosie came from saw a photo of her improvement on my profile status.

“She said to me that every time she passed the house that Rosie came from, she felt pain and sadness. But now she is so happy and cannot believe how good Rosie looks,” said Dada.

It is still unknown who were Rosie’s owners.

Dada Pietersen with Rosie. Rosie was rescued from an informal settlement near Bethal in November. She is making great progress in recovering from mange.

“My wish is that no more animals suffer. It is heartbreaking to sit with these broken souls,” said Dada.

Rosie also has an injury to her left eye. It is unknown how she was hurt, but it could have been caused by the severe mange.

Rosie is still on antibiotics for her skin and requires more treatment for a full recovery.

To donate toward Rosie’s recovery, and/or toward ProjectUthando’s outreach project with Because Dogs and Co, the details are:
Because Dogs and Co
First National Bank
Account number 627 7310 1557
Branch 250655

You can also contact Chantél Vorster via WhatsApp message only on 081 013 4952 if you wish to know more about ProjectUthando and other projects.

Rosie’s rescuers Nicolas Ngcongwana, Rita Pretorius, and Joe Bezuidenhout.

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