Forum members prevent electricians from switching on electricity in Bethal

The Govan Mbeki Municipality still did not give answers.

As if being left without water for nine days (January 30) is not enough, Bethal residents were also left in the dark.

Members of the Ayigobi group blocked the entrance and exit gate at the Govan Mbeki municipal electrical department offices on January 23, 24 and 25, preventing electricians from leaving the premises to switch on the electricity.

The group of about 20 people demands answers from the mayor, Nhlakanipho Zuma, who allegedly promised them feedback regarding tenders before January 10.

This comes after the Ayigobi group protested in Bethal last year about tenders given by the municipality.
The Bethal Police were called to the scene and tried to contact the mayor, but to no avail.

A municipal councillor also tried contacting the mayor but had no success.

Bethal Police spokesman Sergeant Thomas Mogadime confirmed the police were there and said the problem was not yet addressed.

“The police are monitoring the area to ensure the safety of the employees and everyone affected,” said Mogadime.

“No arrests had been made because the employees did not see who locked the gates with a chain.”

DA Clr Desiré Kranz said the Bethal community was already suffering without water as they waited for Eskom to replace the transformer used to pump the water, and the Govan Mbeki Municipality is not making any durable plans to help the people.

“They only sent one tanker to one area, and it is not enough to serve the entire Bethal community with water,” said Kranz.

“Why can the police not remove these protestors? Even people with boreholes now sit without water because they do not have electricity to pump it.

“This is a cruel and helpless situation in which the Govan Mbeki Municipality leaves their residents.”

Kranz thanked the people who offered their boreholes and tried to help the other residents to get water. However, they could not start the pumps, and even the solar panels could not charge because of the power outage.

“The municipality does not give us straight answers. They send press releases but do not address the real issues.”

The spokesman of Govan Mbeki Municipality, Donald Green, said: “The Govan Mbeki Municipality condemns the disruption of municipal [work] and appeals to members of the community to cease intimidating its officials.

“This will make it difficult for our officials to respond to service delivery interruptions.”

The Ridge Times asked him if the mayor promised last year to speak to the Ayigobi group before January 10, if he did, why was the promise not kept.

Green was also asked when this matter would be rectified, he said he does not know this information.

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