Residents in “sinkhole” in eMbalenhle are still waiting on Govan Mbeki Municipality

They cannot sleep at night because the houses are sinking into the ground and the residents are terrified of what might happen to them during the night.

Residents whose RDP houses were build on top of what is believed to be a large sinkhole, wants Govan Mbeki Municipality to relocate them to a safer place.

They believe their lives are in danger and the ground might cave in under them at any day.

The walls, floors and structures of houses in this area began to crack and, along with the yards, began to fill up with water about two years ago.

Nothing has changed since Ridge Times reported on this last year and the residents are still stuck in the cesspool of stagnant water.

Residents said the situation is a bit more bearable during winter when there is less rain.

Although municipal officials visited the area last year, nothing has come of it.

Th eExt. 22 residents in eMbalenhle want the Govan Mbeki Municipality to relocate them out of the alleged sinkhole.

“We always see people coming here and taking photos. Some have told us that they are representatives from an organisation that will be fighting for our rights.

“I though we would have been relocated by now,” said one of the residents, Fannie Mnguni.

He claims the residents had last seen their ward councillor canvassing for votes before the election.

“Now they are gone. I wish it was election time again so that we can ask the politicians about their promises to relocate us,” said Mnguni.

The residents believe the municipality had intentionally allocated them to this place, despite knowing very well that it is dangerous.

They claim the municipality had promised that their problem will be solved because it needs urgent attention, but to date, nothing has happened.

According to some residents, they cannot sleep at night because the houses are sinking into the ground and the residents are terrified of what might happen to them during the night.

They blame the institution for not thoroughly inspecting the area before allocating people to live there.

Ridge Times sent questions to Donald Green, acting communications manager at GMM, but he did not respond at times of going to press.

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