Duo appears in Secunda Magistrate’s court for explosives

The case is postponed to Wednesday, September 21 for bail application.

Two men caught in the Evander area with explosives in their possession on September 13, are in police custody and their case postponed to September 21.

Mpilo Nkosi (39) and Oupa Sebande (50) were arrested during a multidisciplinary operation conducted by the Secunda and Head Office based Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation, Secunda Crime Intelligence and Explosives Unit at Evander for illegal possession of explosives.

Hawks spokesperson in Mpumalanga, Captain Dineo Sekgotodi said the arrest came after the team reacted to information about the suspects who were in possession of explosives looking for buyers.

“The authority for entrapment was granted. The operation was executed on 13 September 2022.

“The suspects approached the agent as arranged at a service station and they handed over the bags of explosives. They were immediately apprehended.”

Sekgotodi said the duo was charged with dealing in explosives and they were detained pending their first court appearance.

“Closer inspection revealed a total of 46 electronic detonators valued at about R130 000. They were selling it for R10 000.”

Nkosi and Sebande appeared before the Secunda Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, September 14.

They were remanded in custody and the case was postponed to Wednesday for formal bail application.

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