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Report violence today says Standerton SAVF’s Hanlie Brits

Hanlie Brits of the Standerton SAVF described in detail the necessary measures to report and handle these crimes.

The ongoing pandemic of abuse in households spares no area, as multiple cases are reported nationwide each week.

According to the Integrated Emergency Response website (https://www.ier.co.za/), an estimated 62 858 cases of domestic violence were reported during the 2022/23 fiscal year.

The government website, Stats SA (https://www.statssa.gov.za/) concluded in 2009 that one in five children experience maltreatment in their lifetime.

The tragic reality is that most people are not equipped to report these cases. Hanlie Brits of the Standerton SAVF described in detail the necessary measures to report and handle these crimes.

Child abuse cases must be reported by teachers, medical professionals, legal professionals, mental health specialists and childcare specialists.

Any person who has reasonable grounds to believe a child is being maltreated may report a case.

These reports can be made to any social worker, the SAPS or crisis centres dedicated to victim protection such as the SAVF.

When such a case is reported, the person responsible for the report is not typically involved in the investigation, however, they can be called to court to testify.

These cases are not handled in an open court and will likely be handled in a one-on-one session with the magistrate.

“In cases of child abuse, we must adhere to strict guidelines,” said Brits.

When a case is initially reported, a social worker must investigate the circumstances surrounding the child in question.

After following up on the report, a social worker will do a risk assessment to find out whether the removal of the child is necessary. After the assessment, a safety plan will be put in place.

“Our main goal in these situations is to ensure the safety of the child. We would not remove a child from their homes if it is not absolutely necessary,” Brits added.

The SAVF typically tries to reunite families after corrective measures have been taken. According to Brits, children might experience more trauma from being removed from their homes if it is not necessary.

After a child has been removed, the social worker’s priority is to rehabilitate the parties involved and reunite the child with their parents.

Children under the age of two are classified as Risk 1 groups, which means these cases are extremely high priority.

The Risk 2 group consists of children under the age of six. Cases of physical or sexual abuse are investigated immediately.

When domestic violence occurs, reports can be made at the SAPS or any available crisis centre such as the SAVF and the victim empowerment centre.

Representatives of the crisis centre will help the victim to get a protection order against the abuser.

The victim will then have the option to reside in a safe space provided by the crisis centre and to receive help from experienced professionals.

People who suspect abuse in the Standerton Central, Extension 8 and Florapark areas can report abuse to the SAVF or SAPS.

Residents of Meyerville, Azalea, Stanwest and Ext 1 and 2 can report such cases to Thutela. Additionally, domestic abuse cases can be reported to the victim empowerment centre.

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