Secunda Round Table 231 host golf day to in Evander in aid of animal welfare

Golfers support Khulula Animal Welfare Society fundraiser.

Supporting a great cause, ardent golfers took to Walker Park Golf Club in Evander on June 22 in aid of the Round Table 231 golf day hosted for the new NPO, Khulula Animal Welfare Society.

In first place on 111 points were Marius Moolman, Lienkie oosthuizen, Ella Smit and Cobus Smit.

The runners-up were M-J Russell, Brandon Russell, Lindi van der Merwe and Vicky Stoltz on 106 points.

Chris Hawes, Lindi van der Merwe and Vicky Stoltz were the winners of the auctioned prizes.

A special thanks went out to Lurking Lense Photography who raised R10 000 for the shelter and sponsored the novelty prizes for the day.

Mianie Erasmus was the lucky winner of this hamper.

Jaco Joubert supports Round Table 231’s Khulula Animal Welfare Society golf day on June 22.

Stanley Dodd hits the ball at Round Table 231’s animal welfare charity golf day on June 22.

Playing for a good cause is Johan Snyman during the Khulula Animal Welfare Society golf day on June 22.
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