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Ward 14 residents in eMbalenhle want the councillor to resign over service delivery issues

Clr Jabu Zwane said these are opportunists who are being used by certain individuals.

Ward 14 residents are demanding their ward councillor, Jabu Zwane, to step down.

Several residents arrived at the Govan Mbeki Municipality speaker’s office in Secunda on June 19 to deliver a memorandum in which they accuse Zwane, who is also the MMC for Revenue Enhancement at the municipality, of neglecting the people in his ward.

The speaker, Fikile Magagamela, was not available as she went to the presidential inauguration in Pretoria.
These residents want Zwane to resign.

In their memorandum, the disgruntled residents claim that there is no more communication between them and Zwane because he is allegedly not keeping his promises on service delivery.

“We reported so many service delivery challenges, such as sewage spills in our ward. He keeps on promising to tend to them but nothing has happened.”

A picketer said Zwane no longer resides in their ward.

“Where are we going to find him if we have service delivery challenges?” asked the resident.

Officials from the speaker’s office told them to return the following day. Japhta Manku, secretary of the speaker, accepted the memorandum on June 20. Zwane told Ridge Times he is the councillor for the entire Ward 14, not just for a certain portion of the ward.

“These are opportunists who are being used by certain individuals. I don’t remember anyone who reported any service delivery issues to which I have not tended.

“I suspect that someone is preparing himself or herself for the 2026 local government elections using the community.

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“I am reachable, I am always in eMbalenhle and my home is there. The procedure is clear, as service delivery challenges are reported to ward committees or you can call the municipality call centre.

“When it is not attended to by our employees, that’s when it is escalated to the councillors to intervene,” said Zwane.

Zwane said all municipal areas sit with service delivery challenges.

“The municipality is trying to address them through the mayor’s Ijima Lokuhlwengisa cleaning campaign and other community outreach programs.”

Zwane said the office of the speaker will handle the matter.

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