GMM warns Leandra businesses about water pollution in catchment areas

Failure to remedy the situation will force the municipality to take legal action.

The Govan Mbeki Municipality (GMM) said it is taking action against industries and factories illegally discharging industrial effluent into rivers and streams.

The municipality has served two companies in Leandra with notices for polluting at the Olifants- and Waterval rivers catchment areas, potentially polluting the Vaal Dam and other water users.

According to the municipality, these notices mandate the businesses to rectify the situation. Failure to remedy the situation will force the municipality to take legal action.

The GMM said one company has an abattoir which produces animal stomach content, blood and fat during slaughtering.

Although they installed a fat trap, it was no longer operational. Effluent samples are also no longer submitted to the municipality.

White fluid that appears to be milk, is flowing into the field in Leandra.

The other company produces dairy products. Their three fat traps are operational, and they diligently submit their effluent samples to the municipality.

The GMM said these businesses have permits to discharge treated effluent to the municipal sanitation network.

According to the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998, Clause 19 and 20, the owner was responsible for the pollution and incidents its activities might cause.

The notices must serve as a deterrent to potential offenders. Repeat offenders will be charged and fined by the courts.

The municipality will continue to inspect industries and factories that pollute rivers and streams with impunity.

Effluent from an abattoir in Leandra is discharged into a stream.

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