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Melony Shimane is at the helm of the fire brigade in Standerton

“I’m proud of the brave men and women in the fire department who, against all odds, respond diligently to every emergency, risking their own lives to serve the community of Lekwa.”

Lekwa Municipality appointed Melony Denise Shimane on July 10 last year as the chief at the Fire and Rescue Department in Standerton. Shimane has been an employee of the municipality for 11 months now.

Her qualifications include an advanced diploma in fire technology with TUT and a disaster management certificate with Unisa.

She is currently studying towards a Bachelors Degree in Disaster Management at Stadio.

“I believe in humility, perseverance against all odds and teamwork. The only way to achieve goals is to push yourself to the limit,” she said.

Her views on leadership were put quite succinctly:

“Being a good leader is dependent on the team you lead. I’m proud of the brave men and women in the fire department who, against all odds, respond diligently to every emergency, risking their own lives to serve the community of Lekwa.”

Altogether 42 staff members are at the department. Since her appointment, 59 structural fires, excluding veldfires have been attended to.

Firefighters receive counselling when needed.

“We do have the Lekwa wellness officer as well as the professional services of the chaplaincy available to our department 24/7.

“The chaplaincy service is also available to affected families in our community.”

Shimane concluded by pointing out their main challenges are resources and staff, but said they are trying to address some of these challenges currently.

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