Govan Mbeki Municipality’s Speaker prays for safe elections

Faith leaders called for tolerance and peace to prevail when millions vote in the coming weeks.

Faith-based organisations, NGOs, political party representatives, traditional leaders and healers gathered at the Raymond Mavuso Community Hall in eMzinoni on May 9 to pray for peaceful, free and fair elections on May 29.

The Govan Mbeki Municipality’s speaker of council, Fikile Magagamela, in partnership with the Moral Regeneration Movement, hosted the service.

The event included a prayer walk, worship and songs calling for God’s intervention in the upcoming elections.

Faith leaders called for tolerance and peace to prevail when millions vote in the coming weeks.

The speaker said religious organisations have a role to play in praying for peace and unity because there are many social ills in society, such as poverty, GBV and crime.

Magagamela urged people to vote for the political party they believed could bring change to their lives.

The prayer campaign started in Leandra on May 8 and ended at the eMbalenhle South Hall on May 10.

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