People walk in Secunda against human trafficking and slavery

Register online before the walk to make things easier.

Residents who want to take a stance against human trafficking can join the A21 Walk for Freedom march on October 14 at 09:00 at Secunda Mall.

The event organiser, Nadia Heyns, said A21 is a worldwide non-profit organisation that creates awareness and fights against human trafficking and slavery.

The A21 Walk for Freedom is a global event that creates awareness. Thousands of people will take millions of steps in hundreds of cities worldwide.

The walk will kick off in the parking lot near Symphony’s Restaurant at Secunda Mall. It will be a 3km walk towards the CBD in Secunda and back.

Those interested can register for the walk by visiting A21’s website at or sending an e-mail to or by being at the mall at 08:00 on the day of the event.

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