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Cullinan wors-makers recognised

Some locals learnt how to make wild meat boerewors.

Locals from Cullinan who participated in a wors-making workshop received their certificates at the Milk and Honey Coffee Shop on August 6.

They were Mike Eybes, Jaco Venter en Sanna (Alida) Cook.

The certificates were handed out by Herman Nico Fourie, also known as ‘the Worsman’.

He said boerewors was based on an older traditional Dutch sausage called the verste wors, though it differed somewhat in its ingredients.

Boerewors comprises coarsely minced beef, sometimes combined with minced pork, lamb, or both, and spices, usually toasted coriander seed, black pepper, nutmeg, cloves and allspice.

“Like many other forms of sausage, boerewors contains a high proportion of fat and is preserved with salt and vinegar and packed in sausage casings,” said Fourie.

“We focused on training locals to make their own boerewors with game meat to ensure sustainability and a touch of history,” Fourie explained.

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