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The DA in Tshwane supports international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

The DA will continue to advocate the dignity of Residents in the City of Tshwane through opportunities to reunite communities free of alcohol and drug abuse

By resolution 42/112 of December 7 in 1987, the General Assembly decided to observe June 26 as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking as an expression of its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.

Throughout the City of Tshwane, communities are being torn apart by violence as people are in dire need.

The pandemic, climate crisis, food crisis, energy crisis, and supply chain disruptions have increased suffering.

It has social and economic implications and leads to serious disruption of family and community harmony.

Violence, joblessness, women and child abuse, traffic accidents, gangsterism and the general breakdown of the social fiber in communities can often be directly linked to alcohol and drug abuse.

This World Drug Day, the DA addressed existing and emerging drug challenges stemming from situations of crisis.

World Drug Day is a day to share research findings, evidence-based data, and solutions, to continue tapping into a shared spirit of solidarity.

The DA invited everyone to do their part by caring, even in times of crisis providing individuals the freedom to live a healthy drug free life.

The country has become a consumer, producer and transit country for drugs.

Socio-economic factors such as poverty, inequality and unemployment remain key contributing elements to the increased use of drugs and the development of substance use disorders.

According to the DA’s research, alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive substance and cannabis is by far the most-used illicit drug on the streets. Most of the deaths in South Africa – as much as 58% – can be attributed to alcohol consumption.

The DA urged residents to take note of available support services by the City of Tshwane as they marked International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

“The Drug and Substance Abuse Response Unit of the City of Tshwane Health Department will again reach out to qualifying non-profit organisations in Tshwane. The purpose will be to partner with stakeholders in activities aimed at harm and demand reduction in communities.

An amount of R2 million has been set aside for this purpose in the new financial year,” said the councillor for Ward 100 and DA whip for Section79 Health committee, Johannes Bekker (JB).

The main vehicle used by the city to address the drug problem in Tshwane is the Community Oriented Substance Abuse Programme (COSUP), which is a partnership with the Department of Family Medicine of the University of Pretoria.

“COSUP uses a multidimensional strategy to provide support to drug users, their families and affected communities. To ensure the continuity of these important services at the 16 COSUP centres, a total of R31,779 million has been allocated,” added Bekker.

The HopeLine 24-hour call centre forms part of this collaboration with the University of Pretoria.

It provides counselling services for victims of drug and substance abuse as well as other social support services related to issues such as sexual assault, domestic violence and mental health challenges.

The HopeLine can be contacted toll-free on 080 061 1197 and 080 046 7347.

The City further avails qualified social workers to counsel victims of drug and alcohol abuse.

“The DA will continue to advocate the dignity of residents in the City of Tshwane through opportunities to reunite communities free of alcohol and drug abuse,” Bekker concluded.

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