
Essentials for making a marketable business website

It’s no longer good enough to just have a website – you are competing against lots of other businesses, so you need to make sure that your business website is marketable for it to generate leads. Below are some top tips on how to do this.

The online world has grown rapidly in recent years, so much so that it’s essential to have an online presence. It’s no longer good enough to just have a website – you are competing against lots of other businesses, so you need to make sure that your business website is marketable for it to generate leads. Below are some top tips on how to do this.

Make sure that it is mobile-friendly

With the use of hand-held devices taking over, it’s never been more important to ensure that your website is compatible on mobile. There is nothing worse than visiting a website on your phone and not being able to view it properly. It will turn the user off straight away and likely cause them to go elsewhere.

Content is king

The content on your website is incredibly important. It gives an idea of your personality, so think carefully about the tone that you use and how you phrase things. It’s also important for SEO reasons. Have you made sure that your content has relevant keywords? Have you made sure that it’s engaging enough and easy to read? All of these things are important in terms of content.

Video marketing works

Explainer videos are the way forward when it comes to websites. They engage the user and tend to increase the length of time that they spend on the page. This in turn will reduce the bounce rate, which will also be beneficial in terms of search engine rankings. Sometimes, a visual aid works well to get people to connect with the message that you are trying to display. It doesn’t need to cost a fortune either – you can get a great online video maker that will have how-to guides and lots of templates from which to choose.

Don’t make them think

The idea of a marketable website is that you never make the user think. Everything that they need should be close to hand and easy for them to get to. The user-friendliness of the site is incredibly important in terms of encouraging the user to take an action. If they can’t get the information that they are looking for straight away, they will probably click off.

Keep improving

There’s always room for improvement with any marketing strategy. It’s important that you incorporate the correct tools such as Google Analytics to see the user data once they get to your site. Act on that data – for example, if there is a specific page that has a high bounce rate, is there something that could be improved there? Is the user not clicking through to the call to action? Is it clear enough what they have to do? What is the demographic of the user who is visiting the site? Can the content be tailored more to them?

There are a lot of factors in terms of what makes a website marketable, and all of them should be taken into account to increase conversions on your site.

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