
[VIDEO] Burglars destroy the Villa da Mor Hair and Beauty Academy in Trichardt

Cables were ripped out of the walls and lights from their brackets. Even the basins were shattered.

Burglars broke into the Villa da Mor Hair and Beauty Academy this morning, 15 May.

The academy is on the corner of Barney Molokwane and Vincent Tshabalala Street in Trichardt.

The thieves trashed the entire salon. Cables were ripped out of the walls and lights from their brackets. Even the basins were shattered.

Ms Magda de Witt came upon the scene when she dropped off a student.

She called for help on the Zello channel Secunda 911 Assist 24/7. StratconRisk was dispatched. They searched the area in the hope that the culprits might still have been in the vicinity.

Trichardt Police are currently on the scene.

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