Mayor looking forward to a productive 2017

The Executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality is looking forward to a productive 2017 and wishes all residents a safe and happy festive season.

To the great people of the Govan Mbeki Municipality.

I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to the people of the Govan Mbeki Municipality for the support that you have given to me to lead this great

municipality that was named after one of our eminent political luminaries, Dr Govan Mbeki.

I am greatly humbled by this gesture of entrusting me with the responsibility of leading this municipality in the capacity of executive mayor.

I will forever remain indebted to all of you because you have displayed your trust and hope in me when you endorsed my candidature to occupy the highest office in the political calendar of local government in the Govan Mbeki Municipality.

The movement of the people, our beloved ANC, has been governing this country for the past 22 years and we are very content that despite all the challenges, we have improved the lives of our people for the better.

Yes of course, challenges are still with us as government and we have been very honest that more still needs to be done in order for every citizen of the country to be fully content with the new political and economic dispensation.

As the political head of this municipality, I reiterate the commitment that I made during my maiden inaugural address that this term represents the winds of change, Umoya Ushintshile.

Indeed we have started implementing this new philosophy, despite the daunting challenges that we are currently faced with and I would like to assure all and sundry that no matter how stubborn these challenges are, we will eventually prevail, we will overcome.

Victory is definitely a certainty.

Through the support of all the people of this municipality, we will succeed in making our area a better place to live in because this municipality has a great potential for development and prosperity.

We have since made serious commitments at our mayoral lekgotla and strategic planning session respectively and we are resolute to ensure that working together, we will definitely move Govan Mbeki forward.

On behalf of the mayoral committee, all councillors, the municipal manager and all officials of the Govan Mbeki Municipality, I seize this opportunity and wish all our people a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

The year 2017 will be a year of aggressive implementation of programmes for genuine service delivery.

I call upon everyone to join us in our mission to make the lives of our people better.

Together, we are moving Govan Mbeki Municipality forward.

The municipality supports the Arrive Alive Campaign of don’t drink and drive.

Ms Noliqhwa Flora Maboa-Boltman, Govan Mbeki Municipal Mayor.

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