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Safety tips to reduce the risk of assault and rape

Rape can take place on streets, in cars, in schools, in parks, in alleys. The rapist has no regard for age, race or social status.

Rape in South Africa is definitely considered a pressing issue in the country.

It’s always important to be extra alert of the people around you, especially with the festive season in full swing, where many of us are distracted by the festivities which surround the holidays.

Rape can take place on streets, in cars, in schools, in parks, in alleys. The rapist has no regard for age, race or social status.

Here are a few safety tips to follow which can help reduce your risk of assault and/or rape.

  1. Secure your car and home. Replace or re-key locks when you move into a new home or apartment. Look before opening the door to anyone. Don’t be too trusting.
  2. Avoid unsafe situations and strangers – If you are being followed, go to the nearest police or fire department, or any place where several people will be (convenience stores, gas station, etc.) Walk in groups at night.
  3. Flee if you are in a potentially dangerous situation – Yell or scream to attract attention. Carry a whistle that will make a loud noise.
  4. Engage in passive or active resistance. Passive resistance is to think and talk your way out of a situation. Active resistance is to react immediately to startle your attacker. Use any available item (hairspray, keys, purse) as a weapon.
  5. Always think of ways or actions for escape
  6. You are responsible for your own safety. Call your local police department or rape crisis center and set up a schedule for a Law Enforcement Officer to speak to your employees or neighbors.
  7. Don’t let a stranger inside your home to use the phone; make the call for him.
  8. Never admit that you or a neighbor are home alone.
  9. Leave outside lights on at night, and keep lights on in more than one room.
  10. If you receive an obscene phone call-hang up, don’t react.

Safety Tips While Walking

  • When possible, avoid walking alone. Walk with someone, or walk in areas where other people are near.
  • Stay in well-lighted areas, away from alleys, bushes and entry ways.
  • Avoid shortcuts through parks, vacant lots and other deserted places.
  • Don’t hitchhike or accept rides form strangers.
  • If a driver stops to ask you directions, avoid getting near the car.
  • If you are being followed, go to the nearest business or residence for help.
  • If you are harassed by the occupants of a car, simply turn and walk the other direction. The driver will have to turn around to follow you.
  • Hold your purse close, not dangling, and avoid carrying extra money or valuables on your person.
  • When you return home, have your door key ready so that you can enter without delay.

Information sourced from: www.kevincoffey.com/women_safety/rape_prevention_tips.htm

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