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Safety tips to help avoid child abduction

The circulating voice note about the kidnapping of school girls recently is untrue. But it is still important to educate your children what to do in such situations.

Good stranger vs Bad stranger

A good time to teach your child what constitutes a stranger, and a good stranger vs. a bad stranger, could be when they first start grade school.

Teach children their parents phone numbers and addresses

Around the time that your child reaches kindergarten or above (depending on his or her own cognitive level), it can be a good idea to teach them phone numbers and addresses of their parents and/or close family and loved ones.

Keeping children safe in public places

As children get older, they begin to venture out of the house for play dates at the park or at the arcade, and as they grow, even more, they begin to go see movies with friends or go to the mall. These are public spaces that make it extremely easy for a sexual predator to attack or kidnap them.

Talk to your children

Talk to your children – speaking to them about the dangers of abduction and having safety conversations with them is essential. From an early age, teach your children about strangers and the risks they pose. Go beyond the statement that they have heard from you multiple times: “Don’t talk to strangers.” Explain to them what these strangers may do, and what situation they might find themselves.

Explain what is appropriate and what is not appropriate

Although it may seem too soon, the earlier you explain what is appropriate and what is not appropriate with your children the better. Talk about appropriate and inappropriate moves, touches, or remarks by strangers and people they know. Connect the dots for them as to why and how strangers are dangerous so they can better understand why they should never talk to them and tell you if anything ever does happen with them. Teach your children about their private parts and how no one except for you or people you designate, such as their doctor, are allowed to touch or talk about them.

Teach your child how to respond in extreme situations

Some good tactics include acting out scenarios and teaching them to “go crazy,” by running away and yelling “help me!”


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