
YCLSA Gert Sibande District met to reflect on its state of mind on political issues

The Young Communist League of South Africa in Gert Sibande District has witnessed the outcry of our masses and together we will move the district forward.

The Young Communist League of South Africa in (uFasimba) Gert Sibande District had its District Committee meeting on Friday, 27 January during which the league reflected on its responsibility and state within the district.

The YCL committee discussed certain political issues that affect the district and resolved on the following:

March to District Municipality:

The Young Communist League of South Africa in Gert Sibande District has witnessed the outcry of our masses and together we will move the district forward.

The YCLSA is disturbed by the continuous degeneration of the district municipalities that affects the working class and the poor.

Given the economic conditions around our district, we strongly believe and have learned that the little effort put in place to assist and address unemployment, poverty and inequality among our people in the district, benefit only the few hyena elites.

Our primary responsibility as the Young Communist League of South Africa is to defend our people, not the colours of the flag of our organisations.

We have learned that we cannot attain socialism by begging.

There is centralisation of decisions and a monopoly of “wisdom” that we have witnessed.

Decisions are taken in restaurants and hotels with dirty money used to control our municipalities to advance individuals’ needs and ambitions.

Instead of accounting to the masses, there is accountability to an individual.

The Young Communist League of South Africa in Gert Sibande District is of the view that our masses cannot be wrong and leaders must find themselves masses leading their ideas.

If the perpetrators thought we have reached a state of paralysis, stagnation and degeneration where none of us can open our mouths, express our views on any matter,

and critically raise issues for debate without our foreheads being branded with the label of being pro this, or anti that, then they must think twice.

Furthermore if there are those individuals who use organisations to defend masters and would think to counter this, then they need to think twice, we are inspired by the deep feeling of our people.

The YCLSA, together with South Africa Communist Party (SACP) , Cosatu and Sanco in the district have therefore taken the decision to take the grievances of our people to the leadership of the district municipality on 28 February.

Alliance Summit:

We know about the hide and seek games that are played by our leaders in the alliance who are the architects of stories told of unavailable funds, while funds are actually deployed to divide and capture branches of the ANC.

The only thing that kept the alliance moving, was continuous consultation, not hide and seek.

The alliance’s summit should sit as a matter of urgency to resolve these issues that are being witnessed within the alliance.

Joe Slovo Right to Learn Campaign:

The role of each and every young person is to learn, we are therefore calling upon all our members and young people in particular to use the opportunity that the government is providing us with to educate ourselves for the total liberation of our people.

Indeed a lot has to be done in the education sector and young people should be in the forefront of leading that transformation.

Education is a right, therefore all young people should have access, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds.

We welcome the sober decision by management of GS TVET College to listen to YCLSA and take the residence back to its rightful owners.

We will be celebrating this victory with the students through the Joe Slovo RTL Campaign on Friday, 3 February.

Issued on behalf of YCLSA Gert Sibande district by Ayanda Mashaba, YCLSA uFasimba District secretary.

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