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Water levels at Grootdraai Dam below 80%

In terms of the districts, Gert Sibande dropped from 87.8% to 87.1%, Ehlanzeni dropped from 92.8% to 91.9% and Nkangala dropped from 95.6% to 94.8%.

The Department of Water and Sanitation’s state of reservoirs report, dated October 30, showed that water levels in the Grootdraai Dam in the Integrated Vaal River System continue to decline, and dropped below the 80% mark, recording a drop from 80.8% to 79.4%.

The report also showed that most of the other listed dams in the Gert Sibande District also recorded declines in volumes, with only Morgenstond Dam recording a slight improvement from 97.7% to 97.8% and Vygeboom Dam remaining unchanged above 100% at 100.7%.

The other listed dams that recorded declines in water volumes include Nooitgedacht, dropping from 80.8% to 79.4%, Jericho from 75.6% to 75.0%, Westoe from 45.5% to 43.8% and Heyshope dropping from 97.4% to 97.2%.

The report indicated that water levels in Mpumalanga continue to drop even though the situation is still much better than the same period last year.

According to the report, the average dam levels dropped from 91.3% to 90.5% which is better than the 88.3% recorded last year.

In the Water Management Areas, the Olifants dropped from 84.8% to 83.8% and the Inkomati-Usuthu dropped from 92.1% to 91.6%.

In terms of the districts, Gert Sibande dropped from 87.8% to 87.1%, Ehlanzeni dropped from 92.8% to 91.9% and Nkangala dropped from 95.6% to 94.8%.

The department encouraged the public to be responsible and conservative water users, taking into account that South Africa is a water-scarce country where every drop counts.

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