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What to do when a dog attacks you

Streeknuus journalist tells of her own ordeal when seemingly friendly dogs attacked her.

One sunny afternoon, I decided to visit a friend in Rayton. As I was about to enter the gate, which my friend had unlocked, I realised that the dogs on the other side of the fence were not friendly.

The next thing I knew, the dogs attacked me, one grabbing my leg and biting it. This was a traumatic experience which left me with not only physical scars but emotional ones.

Dog attacks are serious and can result in serious injuries, trauma and even death. While most dogs are friendly and harmless, it is important to know how to prevent, avoid, and handle a dog attack, as well as how to treat dog bites.

In addition, certain breeds of dogs are more dangerous than others. Be aware of these breeds to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Preventing dog attacks
One of the best ways to prevent a dog attack is to be aware of your surroundings and to avoid situations where a dog may be present. If you see a dog lose and unsupervised, do not approach it, and if possible, try to move away from the area.

Never approach a sleeping dog or one eating or caring for puppies, as these situations could make a dog feel defensive or threatened.

In addition, it is important to teach children how to interact with dogs safely. They should teach children to always ask permission before approaching a dog and never approach a dog growling, barking, or showing signs of aggression.

Handling a dog attack
If you find yourself a dog attacking you, there are several things you can do to protect yourself. First, try to stay calm and avoid sudden movements that can agitate the dog. If possible, try to back away slowly and avoid direct eye contact with the dog.

If the dog continues to attack, use an object such as a jacket or purse to protect yourself. Try to put something between you and the dog, such as a car or a fence. If the dog knocks you down, curl into a ball and protect your face, neck, and ears with your hands and arms.

Treating dog bites
If a dog has bitten you, seek medical attention immediately. Even if the wound appears to be minor, dog bites can lead to serious infections and other complications. Clean the wound with soap and water and apply pressure to stop bleeding. Then, seek medical attention to receive appropriate treatment, such as antibiotics or stitches.

Dangerous dog breeds
While any dog can potentially be dangerous, certain breeds are more aggressive and have a higher risk of causing serious harm in an attack. These breeds include pit bull terriers, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German shepherds and Huskies. Be aware of these breeds and take appropriate precautions when encountering them.

Dog attacks can be a scary and a dangerous experience for both the victim and the dog. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 4.5 million dog bites each year in the United States alone.

While any dog can bite and certain breeds are more likely to cause serious injury, it is the responsibility of the owner to train and socialise their dog.

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