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Cynthia Nkambule is best volunteer at Highveld Ridge SPCA for August

EVANDER – Highveld Ridge SPCA volunteer Cynthia Nkambule from eMbalenhle, was voted the best volunteer for August, because of her dedication and work. Although she has only been volunteering for a few weeks, the SPCA management says she is an absolute star and that the “furry kids” adore her. Speaking to the Ridge Times, Nkambule,

Highveld Ridge SPCA volunteer Cynthia Nkambule from eMbalenhle, was voted the best volunteer for August, because of her dedication and work.

Although she has only been volunteering for a few weeks, the SPCA management says she is an absolute star and that the “furry kids” adore her.

Speaking to the Ridge Times, Nkambule, who is a dog owner, says she volunteers because she loves and cares for animals.

“As a dog owner, one needs to treat your dog well. You must protect them like they protect you and give them the proper shelter and food they need,” said Nkambule.

eMbalehle’s Cynthia Nkambule volunteers her time at the Highveld Ridge SPCA.

She said that volunteering is fun and she encourages her community to do the same.

“You gain something from volunteering, like experience on how to treat your animals. You can also learn from the SPCA how to

treat your animals medically when they are sick.

“These sheltered animals just want love and attention. They need human interaction,” said Nkambule.

Nkambule’s dream is to become a veterinarian.

The SPCA welcomes anyone who wants to volunteer their time to give special care to the animals who are in the shelter on

Saturdays from 08:00 to 15:00 and Sundays from 08:00 to 12:00.

You can contact the SPCA office through WhatsApp on 082 869 2350 for more information on volunteering.

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