Editor's note

Editor’s Desk

We have forgotten who we are.

The American writer Elizabeth Gilbert asked on Facebook on Sunday the following:

* What do you believe (or hope) that you might have been born to do, beyond merely paying bills and dying? (To put it bluntly!)

* What might you do today – this very day! – to bring you closer to your purpose?

I have never liked these types of questions, because life is “just too busy” to delve into these things.

What else are we living for except for working, eating, sleeping, working …

I have always believed I was going to write; to tell stories.

I loved people, I loved their tales, I loved each’s individuality, I loved their absolute uniqueness.

I have however somehow lost interest in the ordinary life around me.

My life has become encased in statistics, in absolute performance, in judgment, in evaluations, in and prejudice.

I can however not believe this is the true me and my purpose in life!

My sister Vee said to me last week: “Ous, we do not know who we are anymore.”

Do you know who you are? Are you living out your purpose?

If not, how can we change this?

Email me at editor@echoridge.co.za.

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