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Organisation launches new centre for women and children

"But now that I am retired, I feel it is time for me to do more than what I was doing at school with regards to the social ills in this community," said Ms Vilakazi.

Enduduzweni Women and Children Initiative Centre was officially launched at Raymond Mavuso Hall on Friday, September 17.

Ms Ivana Vilakazi, founder, said they saw a need for establishing this kind of centre because of the increasing in cases of women and children abuse, especially in eMzinoni.

She also said there are many child-headed families that are need to be taken care of because some children leave school to provide for their siblings.

“As a former principal in one of the local primary schools, I used to receive different cases of abused children but because of my position at school, my assistance to the victims was limited.

“But now that I am retired, I feel it is time for me to do more than what I was doing at school with regards to the social ills in this community,” said Ms Vilakazi.

She said their main objective is to empower women by creating job opportunities for them and to change their mindset from depending on men for everything and to discourage them from selling their bodies to get money, especially young girls.

With regard to child-headed households, Ms Vilakazi, said her organisation is intervening. They resolved that they don’t want to see young women sitting at home and not going to school.

They also want to ensure that women who are being abused by their partners, have a safety shelter.

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