KidsParenting News

Are you an overprotective parent?

We live in testing times where children get abducted, raped and killed. So it is only natural to be want to protect your child from any harm and be protective. But some parents can be overly protective and struggle to let go and allow their child to explore the world.  An over protective parent can …

We live in testing times where children get abducted, raped and killed. So it is only natural to be want to protect your child from any harm and be protective. But some parents can be overly protective and struggle to let go and allow their child to explore the world.  An over protective parent can hamper the growth and development of the child as they block their child from learning about  being responsible in all situations and environments.It can also make their confidence and independence suffer as at the back of their mind, they will always be worried about what you will say as their parent. We need to raise children who are ready to face the world and its challenges.

Fears and concerns from parents

We cannot just dismiss the fears parents have as some are valid . The world has become a dangerous place and we see horror stories in the media almost every day. The crime statistics involving children are quite alarming. We have seen children being abducted and some killed, lost children that have never been found, children being sexually abused, child trafficking and drug abuse. These are definitely a cause for alarm for parents and a valid one but parents cannot be there all the time and that is the reality of life. Children need to be given a chance to survive and cope on their own.

The disadvantages of being overprotective

  1. You run the risk of raising an overly dependent child who cannot stand for himself in the world. You are robbing them of essential life skills. You do not want to raise a child that calls home every time they need to make a decision because they have been cushioned all their life and cannot cope with life and are overwhelmed.
  2. Children can be fearful of this ‘unsafe world’ you are portraying as a parent and the child might refuse to explore the world. This can also impact on their self confidence.
  3. Your children can resent you. When they see what they have missed out on, they can be angry at you for not trusting them enough.
  4. Depriving them to be their natural selves. The parent holds the power in this kind of parenting and the children seldom get a chance to be themselves. Their true personalities can be suppressed.

Learn to let go

Instil good values while they are still young and trust them to apply your good teachings based on the foundations you have laid for them in preparing them for life.

  1. Let your children be, let them enjoy and explore the world and they need to fall, get down and dirty
  2. You cannot make your child’s life stress free, there are times where they will be unhappy and sad and that is perfectly normal. It is part of growing up
  3. Stop hovering over your children and instil confidence in them
  4. Allow your children to make mistakes

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