
Stop blaming the teachers

A teacher will not just fail your child out of thousands of children attending the school.

J.S Motaung(a retired teacher), Ermelo

I appeal to all parents to refrain from putting the blame on teachers when their children fail. Parents must hold their children accountable and really question them if they really do go to school.

As a parent, do you have the absolute assurance that your child attends school and is in class all the time? Do you monitor their homework and progress?

A teacher will not just fail your child out of thousands of children attending the school, then you say they are not doing their work. It is all about commitment.

School and outside forces will never work hand in hand, one has to focus only on the school books.

I have experienced first hand that when you ask school children not attending class the reason why, they tell you they do not get along with a certain teacher.

How is one not getting along with a teacher going to stop one from attending class to secure one’s future!

It is especially the bad apples that fail resulting in the parents putting the blame on a teacher.

In conclusion, parents should integrate themselves in their children’s school life to ensure they are doing what is required of them.


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