Editor's noteMunicipalNews

Govan Mbeki Municipal MMC of Finance, Themba Mtsweni, dies suddenly

Mr Mtweni’s memorial service takes place on 29 June at 1pm at the Lillian Ngoyi Centre in Secunda.

Mr Themba Mtsweni, Govan Mbeki Municipal MMC for Finance, died suddenly on Sunday, 25 June.

Ms Flora Maboa-Boltman, executive mayor, said in a statement: “On behalf of the Govan Mbeki Municipality, I would like to confirm the sudden and tragic passing of our honourable councillor, TA Mtsweni.

“Cllr Mtsweni was a member of the Mayoral Committee responsible for the finance portfolio as the political head deployed by the executive mayor where he played a pivotal role in providing political leadership and support in order to ensure that this critical portfolio functions effectively.”

Ms Maboa-Boltman said the municipality is sadden with disbelief with the loss of such a vibrant and dynamic leader of his time and generation.

“The municipality is mourning.

“On behalf of the municipality, members of the Mayoral Committee and administration, I would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the family of the honourable late MMC for their loss and we hope and pray that the hand of the almighty will mend their broken hearts and that of the municipality as a whole.”

Mr Sbu Hlolweni from Sapramo said: “We were stunned to learn of the death of honourable MMC Themba Mtsweni.

“We still cannot believe that he died so unexpectedly.

“However, as they say, the one who is adored the most by God, is the one who achieves eternal life.

“ We will miss him and will cherish all the happy memories we had with him.

“On behalf of Sapramo, please accept our sincere condolences.”

Ms Marietjie Fourie from the DA said: “It is with a heavy heart that I share the news with you that the MMC of Finance, Cllr Themba Mtsweni, passed away yesterday (25 June).

“As a member of his Finance Portfolio Committee, I can testify that he was committed to change the financial stutus of GMM.”

Ms Fourie said there were no politics in the committee, only the best interest of the community.

“May his soul rest in peace and may the Holy Spirit grant his loved ones peace and strength in this time.

“Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.”

  • Mr Mtweni’s memorial service takes place on 29 June at 1pm at the Lillian Ngoyi Centre in Secunda.

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