
Pastor is willing to die for land

Municipality says municipal manager was the highest bidder for buying the land.

Past Petros Ngcongwane from the First Church Apostolic of Christ, known as Injabulo yabafesu, said he is prepared to die for the land he tilled and built a church on that has been sold to Mr Robert Mashiane, Govan Mbeki Municipal’s regional manager.

He was shocked when he received a message from Mr Mashiane that he should soon vacate the land because it belongs to him.

Past Ngcongwane could not believe it, because he identified this land that was used as a dumping area 14 years ago.

“This place was very dirty, but I cleaned it and turned it into what it is now.

“I spent a lot on clearing it and to build the church.

“It is sad that the senior municipal official is now taking it away from me.

“It is actually unfair.”

Past Ngcongwane said he applied for the land several times, but without luck.

He said the last response he received was in August 2013 when he was told to wait for the bidding process.

However since then he has never heard anything from the municipality.

“How can they sell the land knowing that it belongs to me?

“Am I not a citizen of this society? Am I not a member of the civil society?

“They are my fellow comrades who were supposed to at least notify me about his.

“Nobody will occupy this land as long as I live.

“Robert Mashiane must kill me first and bury me on this very same land before he can occupy it.”

Mr Bheki Kubheka, head of Communication and Marketing: Govan Mbeki Municipality, confirmed that the land was bought by Mr Mashiane.

He said the land was on tender in 2014 and Mr Mashiane was the highest bidder.

He defended Mr Mashiane and said there is no conflict of interest as he was not part of the process and is not a member of the bid specification committee, or a member of the bid evaluation and adjudication committees.

“There is no way that he could have used his position to influence the process as he was not part of it.

“There is no regulation that states that municipal officials should be excluded from buying land.

“Municipal officials are also residents of the municipality.”

Mr Kubheka said if Past Ngcongwane claims he applied for the land, he must provide the evidence.

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