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Michael still fights for his life after a motorcycle accident in Secunda

He sustained severe brain injuries and broke his neck in a motorcycle accident involving a bakkie in Secunda.

An accident involving a bakkie and the motorcycle on which Michael ‘Doby’ Nel (29) was travelling, has left him in a coma and on life support.

Nel sustained severe injuries when the bakkie and his motorcycle collided at the traffic light of PDP Kruger Street and Helen Joseph Drive in Secunda at around 15:00 on September 4.

Nel was unconscious on the scene, and stabilised by ER24 before being transported to Mediclinic Highveld Hospital in Trichardt.

Nel was prepared by 20:00 that evening for transportation to the Arwyp Medical Centre in Kempton Park, where he was still in a coma.

The photo was taken on September 13, of Michael Nel in a coma and on life support in a Kempton Park Hospital, after he sustained critical injuries in an accident in Secunda on September 4.

On the day of the accident, Nel’s mother, Emmarentia Nel, used his vehicle because her car had a flat tyre. Nel used his motorcycle, giving his mother an opportunity to get the tyre repaired.

Speaking to the Ridge Times, Nel’s sister Emmerentia Granger, said their mother left work early to take the tyre for repair when she came across the accident at the intersection.

“My mother saw a motorbike and immediately thought of my brother. Then she saw it was his motorbike,” said Granger.

His mother immediately stopped her vehicle, ran to Nel’s side, and told the people attending to him he was her son.

Michael Nel is in a coma and on life support at the Arwyp Medical Centre in Kempton Park, after sustaining severe injuries in a motorcycle accident in Secunda on September 4.

“This was a traumatic experience for my mother,” said Granger.

Nel sustained severe injuries to his head. He had bleeding and swelling on the brain that caused a seizure and fluids had to be drained from the cranium.

He also fractured his C2 vertebrae and sustained facial fractures.

Despite Nel being on medical aid, because of the costs of the initial CT scan, x-ray, and a portion of the MRI, his expenses exceeded the advantages provided by the medical aid savings.

Michael Nel is in a coma and on life support at the Arwyp Medical Centre in Kempton Park, after sustaining severe injuries in a motorcycle accident in Secunda on September 4.

From admission at Arwyp, CTs, MRI and X-rays, everything is out of his pocket, as well as co-payments for specialists and blood tests.

Nel’s medical aid does not cover the expenses of the spinal neck brace and facial reconstruction once they can proceed.

Currently, his mother and sister are continuously at his side, and would not leave the premises for anything.

They had several invites to stay with relatives and friends, which they plan to think about once Nel wakes up, according to Granger.

“For the first few nights, we slept in our vehicle. The hospital has accommodation, but it is expensive.

“For now, we are alternating between the hospital accommodation and our vehicle, just so that we can shower and freshen up,” she said.

“We are exhausted; our brains cannot switch off.”

The extent of Nel’s potential long-term injuries remains uncertain, as medical professionals are now refraining from repositioning him, owing to the brain haemorrhage and oedema.

They are ensuring the stability of his fractured neck as a ventilator supports him.

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The bakkie into which motorcyclist Michael Nel crashed at the traffic light of PDP Kruger Street and Helen Joseph Drive in Secunda on September 4.

“At the moment, specialists are focusing on the most serious conditions as a priority before moving to the next,” said Granger.

Nel works as an automotive mechanic in Bethal. He urgently needs funding now, not only towards his medical expenses but towards his day-to-day living.

“We don’t want my brother to lose his independence because of the accident,” said Granger.

Nel’s family is appealing to the public for help towards the accumulating costs. They will provide the proof on request of where the money is going.

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Granger thanked the good Samaritans who helped Nel before the paramedic arrived, ER24 paramedics, Mediclinic ER staff, family, friends, the biker family and co-workers for all the support, prayers, messages and every donation made toward his treatment and recovery.

Banking details are Standard Bank, Secunda branch, Branch code – 3444, Account holder – Lindi L Bartfai, Account number – 03 518 402 7, Account type – Savings. State your name and surname as the reference.

Support Nel’s BackaBuddy at https://www.backabuddy.co.za/michael-doby-nel-5698360535919747274

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