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Help Secunda police find the family of a woman and her children killed in accident

The 24-year-old motorist is facing three counts of culpable homicide due to alleged reckless and negligent driving.

UPDATE: The Secunda police confirmed that Ncediswa Khulani Falaza’s family has been located.


Police are looking for the family of a woman and her two children killed at a pedestrian crossing along Nelson Mandela Drive on May 20.

Emergency services found the bodies of Ncediswa Khulani Falaza (42), her son Lehlohonolo Falaza (8), and her baby on the scene. The infant’s identity has not yet been established.

Ncediswa and her children were killed instantly. The impact of a 24-year-old motorist ploughing into them with his Volkswagen Polo severed her limbs.

The wrecked vehicle of 24-year-old motorist who killed a woman and her two children on Nelson Mandela Drive on May 20.

After hitting the three at the pedestrian crossing, the vehicle ploughed through a barrier and crashed into a property wall.

Emergency personnel transported the driver to a hospital. At the time of going to print, he was still in hospital.

The man is facing three counts of culpable homicide due to alleged reckless and negligent driving.

Dried-up blood still on the road of the horrific accident scene that claimed the lives of a woman and her two children in Nelson Mandela Drive on May 20.

The details police could obtain of Ncediswa is that her ID was registered at the Department of Home Affairs in Rustenburg.

Police are hoping that relatives of Ncediswa may be living in this area. Anyone with information can contact Secunda Detective Sergeant Bopielo Boshielo on 079 499 9010.

Social media was inundated with messages from people horrified and angered by this incident.

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When Ridge Times revisited the accident scene during the week, the community had erected three crosses and laid down flowers out of respect for the innocent lives that were lost.

Though not much is known about Ncediswa and her two children, they were still a relative of someone. The community living near the place where the accident happened had mixed emotions about who was to blame.

Residents say this stretch of road is very dark because the street lights are not working, road markings are not properly visible, and pedestrian traffic lights are not working.

The accident scene where a 24-year-old motorist hit a woman and her two children, ploughed through a barrier, and crashed through a property wall.

Some claim that the area needs more visible enforcement by traffic officials and the police and that more speed traps and roadblocks be conducted.

Many residents, however, dispute this. “It is the responsibility of the motorist who must obey the rules of the road,” said a resident who wished not to be named.

“No road user is more entitled than the rest. However, the attitude of many motorists on our roads is horrendous. Innocent lives are being lost daily because of lawlessness in our country,” said the resident.

The property wall where a 24-year-old motorist came to a standstill in his vehicle along Nelson Mandela Drive on May 20.

What was left behind at the accident scene that claimed the lives of Ncediswa Khulani Falaza (42), her son, and her infant.

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