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Boy still without tutor years after electrocution in eMbalenhle

Hlalefa Mapeshoane uses his toes to write.

Hlalefa Mapeshoane (15) uses his toes to write and type on his laptop after a neglected, falling electricity cable electrocuted him while playing in the street next to his home four years ago.

Hlalefa was only 11 years old when he was paralysed. He could never return to his school, Thorisong Primary School in eMbalenhle.

He was a Grade Five learner, but due to his injuries, forced to stay at his home as he was unable to walk.

Hlalefa is now using a wheelchair to move around. He cannot use his arms and has to rely on others to push his wheelchair.

Hlalefa Mapeshoane from eMbalenhle uses his toes to type on his laptop.

Nthabiseng Mapeshoane, Hlalefa’s mother, never thought her child would be disabled after the incident.

“If he wants to go to the toilet, I have to ask my other children to push him because his hands since the accident are not functioning. My child is disabled and his dream of getting an education has diminished.

“As a parent, I feel pain when I look at Hlalefa. I had so many dreams and hopes for my son,” said Mapeshoane.

She is at least somewhat optimistic because Hlalefa can use his feet to write and work on the laptop which the executive mayor of Govan Mbeki Municipality, Nhlakanipho Zuma, gave to the boy last year.

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She said the Zimeleni Disabled Association is currently talking with the Department of Basic Education to assist and register Hlalefa for homeschooling.

Mabeshoane said once the department finalises the registration, they will have the challenge of who will be paying for the tutor and for Hlalefa’s education.

She said the disabled association is busy registering a trust in her son’s name, with which they can raise funds for his education.

After Hlalefa’s accident, the Govan Mbeki Municipality told reporters they investigated the cause, but the outcome is still not known.

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