
#JusticeForMihle: 14-year-old girl raped, murdered and dumped in the street in eMbalenhle

Mihle's body was found dumped in the street with her hands and feet tied with pieces of plastic, a few hours after she was reported missing on Wednesday, 7 November.

eMBALENHLE – Angry Extension 17 residents are not happy with the manner in which the police are handling the murder case of Mihle Zingamo (14).

Mihle’s body was found dumped in the street with her hands and feet tied with pieces of plastic, a few hours after she was reported missing on Wednesday, 7 November.

It is alleged that she accompanied her father’s younger sister earlier that day to a salon in the area.

She complained of hunger and left her aunt to return home, but never reached home.

Mr Dladla, her father, said when the aunt returned from the salon, she was surprised not to find Mihle there.

However, the family became suspicious when her friends came looking for her.

A sibling recalled the day’s events:

“My mother suspected that the girls were playing outside and that they knew where she was.

“Mom instructed Mihle’s friends to go and look for her, however, they returned after an hour and reported that Mihle was nowhere to be found.”

Mihle’s mother said: “At about 7.45pm, I went to the police station to report her missing.

“The police opened a docket and I was told to come back with a photo of her if she doesn’t return home.

“I was disappointed by this response, but we continued to search for her.

“The community assisted us in the search and at about 9.30pm whilst I was on the other side of the of the township, I received a phone call to quickly come home.

“When I got there, my friend broke the news to me.

“No words can explain how I am feeling.

“I went to the scene and indeed my lovely daughter was lying there lifeless.”

She thanked the community for all their efforts to help her find her daughter.

Residents were not impressed by how the police handled the situation and vowed to conduct their own search for the suspect.

On Sunday, 11 November angry residents torched the home of the man they suspected as Mihle’s killer.

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Some residents alleged that the man confessed to have killed the young girl.

Brig Leaonard Hlathi, provincial spokesman, called on the residents not to take the law into their own hands, but to work with police.

He said a task team comprising of various units have been established to deal with this case, as well as other previous similar cases.

“The man that we rescued from the mob, is under questioning to establish whether he is linked to this case,” Brig Hlathi said.

This is not the first incident where a child was raped and killed at eMbalenhle. Lerato Nkutha was sent to a nearby shop on Monday, 7 May.

Her mother became worried when she took too long. and went looking for her. She reported Lerato missing to the police, who opened a missing person’s inquiry.

A search team, consisting of detectives, the K9 Unit, as well as police divers, were dispatched immediately and the search continued until late on Tuesday, 8 May, but with no success.

A body of a minor was spotted at a certain house on 9 May at about 6.30am and the police were summoned.

A short probe by police revealed that the lifeless body was that of missing Lerato.

Anyone with information that can assist the police in the investigation and the arrest of the suspect/s in both incidents, are urged to contact Det/Capt Sakhile Simon Mlotshwa at 082 970 5774 or call the Police Crime Stop number 08600 10111

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