
Little Paws Big Hearts slams SPCA

By Louis Kempen from Little Paws Big Hearts.

Little Paws Big Hearts Secunda is a non-profit organisation which works in informal settlements around Secunda. Our mission statement clearly states that we are a right-to-life organisation as we believe no individual animal holds more importance than another.

One of our main focus areas is to educate the communities we serve. The importance of a healthy relationship between human and non-human animals is imparted to the residents as this contributes to the overall well-being of the community as a whole.

Regarding the fatal and willful shooting of a so-called “rogue” baboon, LPBH would like to state, without prejudice, that in no way, shape or form do we agree with the decisions and actions taken by Inspector Geel, a representative of Highveld Ridge SPCA, to terminate the life of this baboon.

As a right-to-life organisation, LPBH were fully in favour of non-lethal trapping and releasing of the male baboon that was simply following his natural behaviour by looking for a new troupe to join. The necessary arrangements for such an operation was already in action when Inspector Geel violated the ethos of the organisation she serves by giving the order to kill the animal.

The hysteria leading to the incident was unwarranted. We as humans are rapidly and without consideration encroaching on the natural and only territory of wild life and therefore, the onus is on us to ensure that animals who are displaced, are safely returned to an environment they can thrive and live in.

The actions taken by Inspector Geel is in contradiction to the organisation’s name itself: Society for the Protection of Animals. Protection was offered, yet protection was ignored. We believe that the decision was made out of callous disregard for the life of the animal in favour of cost: a bullet is cheaper than a fully fledged rescue operation. Those of us who love animals, should make every effort to protect them. It is absolutely abhorrent that an organisation whose sole mandate is to do just that, failed in their duty to care.

In an article dated 11 April which was published in The Ridge Times, it was erroneously stated that Louis Kempen, one of the founding members of LPBH, is the author of a petition. LPBH are signatories to this petition and in full support of giving those in our community who are as outraged as we are, a platform to exercise their constitutional rights.

Lastly, LPBH was and will continue to publicly oppose actions which violates the right to life for animals.

Louis Kempen from Little Paws Big Hearts.

(EDITOR NOTE: The Ridge Times never said that Mr Kempen is the author of the petition. We only said that he is helping to distribute it.)

Also read letter from the vets and a Secunda citizen here:

Local vets speak out about baboon saga

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