
Gift ideas for Mother’s Day that she’ll appreciate and that don’t cost (much) money

That does not mean that you're a cheap skate - in fact they will demonstrate how much you really care. Chocolates and flowers are nice, but here are a few suggestions that will blow her away.

Listed below are the kinds of gestures your mum will treasure, appreciate and remember for the rest of her life.

Make her a compliment jar


Write down all the things you love and appreciate about your mum and put them in a jar. Thank her sincerely for everything she has done and still does for you, naming them. She can take the notes out to read as she needs them. Write one of your favourite childhood memories down.

Digitize her printed photographs


If you were born in the 90s or earlier, much of your childhood and your mum’s earlier life will be captured on printed photographs. Go through the old photos with her and ask her to tell you about them and what they mean to her. Scan in the pictures if you have a scanner and save them on a CD or if you’re not cash strapped have a photo digitizing service do them for you.

Massage her hands


Think about everything those hands have done for you. Sit her down, play some soothing music and massage those hands. Watch the video for a quick lesson.

Give her time


All mums need a little me-time. Ask her about this before Mother’s Day. She’s always doing things for you, running around and making sure you have everything you need. Give her that same luxury. Encourage her to go out with a friend, read a book, binge watch her favourite TV series or just enjoy having the house to herself while the rest of the family vacate the premises.

Teach her something


Maybe now is the time to (patiently) teach her some digital tricks on her computer or cellphone. Maybe she wants to be on Facebook but is too nervous to take the first step.

No backchat, shade or spice for the day

Try being nice to your mum, you may even benefit from it personally. If you have a behaviour pattern of bickering, arguing or unnecessary backchat, try to break it, the results may surprise you.

Do some of her chores for her


Do as many of her chores as you can the day before Mother’s Day. Whether your mum is a stay-at-home mum, a working mum or a grandma, doing some of her chores without being asked will mean a lot to her. It will also make Mother’s Day more relaxing for her.

 Make a playlist of her favourite music


Make your mum a mix on iTunes or Spotify. Or, if you want to be old school, make a tape mix for her using her favourite CDs.

Ask her to teach you something

Your mum has a huge skill set. Acknowledge that by asking her if she’ll teach you one or more of them. Whether it’s how to cook your favourite meal, grow a herb garden or how to crochet, she’ll know that you respect and appreciate her.


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