Municipality’s business hours for December

Municipal services will be scaled down from 28 to 31 December this year, leaving some municipal officials with a four-day time-off period.

Municipal services will be scaled down from 28 to 31 December this year, leaving some municipal officials with a four-day time-off period.
Non-essential sections such as human resources, planning and economic development, legal and secretariat, supply chain management and environmental health will be closed on these days during the festive season. Staff necessary to man essential, critical, emergency and direct services to the public, offices and critical working areas will be granted four working days off during 2021. These include waste management, traffic, fire, energy, community and water and sanitation services.
Other sections, such as licensing and fleet workshop, will remain open and continue with service delivery. Off-time for some non-critical sections such as sport and recreation, for instance, will be managed by managers and supervisors.
This arrangement was tabled and accepted during a special council meeting last week.


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