Members of ‘Move One Million’ show their support

Members of the Move One Million movement in Polokwane gathered at Thornhill Shopping Centre on Saturday, 24 October, to voice their concern over the increasing number of gender-based violence (GBV) offences, farm murders and corruption. They also held a short prayer to pray for victims of GBV and crime. This was the second gathering with …

Members of the Move One Million movement in Polokwane gathered at Thornhill Shopping Centre on Saturday, 24 October, to voice their concern over the increasing number of gender-based violence (GBV) offences, farm murders and corruption.
They also held a short prayer to pray for victims of GBV and crime. This was the second gathering with the group hosting their first in September, which proved to be a success.
The movement has garnered interest from 500 000 South Africans, to date. The aim of the campaign is to unite South Africans locally and abroad to take hands in peaceful protests against corruption and any form of brutality.
Polokwane campaign manager, Marise Rademan said the gesture was furthermore aimed at showing support to the families of the victims of farm murders and related crimes.
“We wanted to show our support for the families of farmers who were murdered in the province. Farm murders in Limpopo is a serious problem and we want the Community Policing Forum to look after everyone, including farmers,” she said.
The gathering attracted more than 50 residents from the city and surrounding areas.

Story: Herbert Rachuene

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