House music is DJ Karri’s forté

Karabo Mokgara is a self-taught DJ and the founder of BraveBoyMusic

POLOKWANE – Karabo ‘DJ Karri’ Mokgara says he would hang around fellow DJ’s to observe and learn his trade.

After four months of getting to know his way around the deck, he was introduced to the industry by DJ Knifeskido.

He told REVIEW that he got the name ‘Karri’ from his mother, Malebo, at a young age and from there, he started using the name on stage. “I fell in love with music, specifically house in the late 90’s and began playing professionally in 1999. I play any type of house music depending on the type of crowd, but I prefer commercial-house in a club and deep-house at home,” he said. 

Aside from being on the deck, Karri is also a producer, which he started mastering in 2012 but says it didn’t go as planned because he was discouraged along the line. “I worked hard to bounce back and I now have a single on all online music digital platforms and my EP drops on Friday, 18 September,” he said.

Events that Karri has performed at include the Durban July, Tshwane Event, Sun International events at the Carousel Casino and self-hosted events.

He adds that his daughter Kairo (3) is his biggest fan and is always dancing to his songs. “Kairo motivates me to work hard and she’s the reason why I never give up easily, she’s my everything,” Karri said.

He also thanks Rebone and Co.Fi Brooklyn for their support throughout his career.

Follow Karri on social media: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok: Realdjkarri, or listen to his tracks on YouTube: DJ Karri.

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