Rotary hosts international dinner with young guests

Friday evening’s international dinner of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 hosted at Plumtree Lodge was one of the organisation’s social highlights of the year with presentations by three international Rotary exchange students. During December and January, exchange student Yvonne Claassens visited Germany while Daniel Engelbrecht was hosted by the Oprandi family in Argentina and …

Friday evening’s international dinner of the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 hosted at Plumtree Lodge was one of the organisation’s social highlights of the year with presentations by three international Rotary exchange students.
During December and January, exchange student Yvonne Claassens visited Germany while Daniel Engelbrecht was hosted by the Oprandi family in Argentina and they entertained the Rotarians with presentations about their journeys. Daniel’s host in Argentina, Enzo Oprandi also attended the event and reciprocated with a slide show of his home town, Sao Paulo. The club’s fourth exchange student, Juliette Harris is currently in Chile.
Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 Board Member for International Avenue, Klaus Rabiega said that the club hosted its first international dinner 33 years ago and that the first exchange student, coming from Australia, was hosted in 1988.
The evening of fellowship culminated in an excellent international dinner with a Mexican corn chowder with Brazilian cheese bread as starter, followed by a main dish comprising Cuban-style pork rump, traditional British chicken pie, American Hasselback potatoes with sour cream, Brazilian salsa, Mediterranean roast vegetables and Greek salad rounded off with Brazilian granadilla mousse, Puerto Rican coconut cake with South African ice cream and Spanish crème caramel.

Story and photos: BARRY VILJOEN

Rotarians enjoy the dinner at the club’s international event at Plumtree Lodge.

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