
Diploma to help Vendaboy Poet in the ‘cruel music industry’

Vendaboy Poet, whose real name is Lutendo Evens Mugagadeli, has refuted the adage that artists do not want to go to institutions of higher learning and further their studies.

LIMPOPO – He graduated with a diploma in human resource management at Central Johannesburg College last Friday.

“The music industry is cruel and as young artist you should strive for education. I have already received an offer of someone whose willing to pay for me to complete my degree,” Vendaboy Poet said.

The words of Andrew Carnegie, “A man may be born in poverty, but he does not have to go through life in poverty,” is an inspiration to him. “Being born poor is no excuse and it is not something to be ashamed of. Do not let your poor background determine your destiny. Everything is possible in life,” he explained.

After he completed his matric, he did not have the money to further his studies and took four years to raise money to pay for his studies. “I started working as a security officer. I then left the job and pursued my passion which is poetry. I won a Tshivenda Music Award in 2012 and received a cash prize of R10 000. I used the money to go and study at the college since my parents could not afford to do so,” he said.

He was happy to celebrate his important day with his parents who separated more than 20 years ago. “I do not blame them for separating because I understand that life happens. I am thankful for them bringing me into this world and for making me the strong man I am today,” he said.

He plans to release an album with 20 tracks soon and is nominated in this year’s South African Traditional Music Awards.


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