Skincare after shaving: advice for young teens

Pharmacist and father of two, Noko Rammutla says that the irritation that comes with the sudden abnormal hair growth is the itch that comes with shaving, especially with facial hair.

POLOKWANE – The transition from being a young boy who enjoys playing with friends outside, quickly fades once one starts to notice certain emotional and physical changes which make them feel and behave different.

The adolescent stage can be described as a stage where a young boy or girl transitions into an adult, with physical changes as evidence of this transition, most teens often become confused, embarrassed and easily irritable. The stage usually starts from the age of nine years to 14 years.

Review spoke to Pharmacist and father of two, Noko Rammutla, a boy Theto (11) and girl Thoriso (6) who says he is preparing for the time when his young boy will be transitioning into an adult. “The obvious changes in most young boys going through adolescent is hair. I saw this with myself as well when I was just entering into the phase. Boys will have hair growth on their face, under their arms and on their legs. As the puberty hormones increase, teens in general may have an increase in oily skin and sweating. This is a normal part of growing,'” he explained.

Noko says that the irritation that comes with the sudden abnormal hair growth is the itch that comes with shaving, especially with facial hair. However he says there are certain things one can do to alleviate the irritation and itch:

• Using Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a traditional remedy for helping soothe irritated skin.

• Hot compress by wetting a face cloth with warm water and pressing it against the skin where one has just shaved to soothe it.

• Witch Hazel oil can be applied to shaven area to sooth burns and irritation.

• Hydrocortisone Cream.

• Lemon juice can be used same way a skin toner is used with a cotton pad, just damping it in small amount of lemon juice and apply to skin area which is shaven.

• Tea Tree Oil applied to the skin help to keep the skin moisturized, says Noko.

Noko says that young boys going through adolescent must know that seasonal changes affect the level of growth in body and facial hair. For example in winter hair becomes a lot and in summer it becomes less.


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