Protect your home from winter wear and tear

Winter can be a tough season for homes and gardens, regardless of wet or dry climate. Without the right preparation, storms, heavy winds, cold snaps and snow can cause lasting damage to property, making winter proofing one of the best ways to protect the value of the home. David Jacobs, Gauteng Regional Manager for the …

Winter can be a tough season for homes and gardens, regardless of wet or dry climate. Without the right preparation, storms, heavy winds, cold snaps and snow can cause lasting damage to property, making winter proofing one of the best ways to protect the value of the home.
David Jacobs, Gauteng Regional Manager for the Rawson Property Group, shared tips on how to get your home ship-shape for winter.
On the roof
According to Jacobs, one of the first chores to put on your winter checklist is hauling out the old ladder and clearing the year’s debris from your gutters and downpipes.
“A side benefit of regular gutter-cleaning is that you can check your roof sheets or tiles at the same time. Make sure there is nothing loose or missing, and that any flashings or joints are in good condition. If anything looks less than 100%, get a professional in to take a look – sealing up any leaks before winter hits is essential to prevent water damage and icy, energy-sucking drafts,” he indicated.
In the roof space
While your ladder is out of storage, Jacobs recommended using it to take a look inside your roof for signs of previous water damage that could indicate leaks not obvious from the outside.
“Points of light visible through your roof material are a dead giveaway that there are gaps that could need attention but also check your insulation or ceiling boards for tell-tale water stains.”
While you’re at it, you may want to confirm that your insulation hasn’t shifted or flattened over time – this can reduce its thermal efficiency and let valuable warmth escape your home as temperatures drop.
It’s also a good idea to fit a geyser blanket and insulate any pipes as frozen pipes have a nasty habit of bursting and causing serious water damage when they defrost.
Inside your home
Windows are another important area to protect against winter wear and tear.
“Leaky windows let the cold and rain in and the heat out of homes. In fact, they’re one of the biggest sources of heat loss in most South African properties,” Jacobs said.
To prevent leaks, make sure the putty or gaskets that seal your glass panes to your frames aren’t showing signs of cracking, and apply weatherproofing tape to any imperfect closures.
Windows aren’t the only culprit when it comes to drafts, however, Jacobs indicated that doors and even chimneys can let warm air out if you’re not careful.
“Weatherproofing tape can be used to seal drafty doors as well as windows, but a simple, stuffed draft excluder can be just as effective. Chimneys are a little more difficult to draft-proof, since they’re designed to draw air up and outward. Most models let you close the flue when not in use, though, which helps minimise heat loss.”
Don’t forget to get your chimney swept before lighting your first fire of the season.

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