DJ Bluetooth, the music connection to SABC 3’s popular soapies

Born and bred in Mabokolele, Limpopo the self taught DJ is also a music composer and producer.

POLOKWANE – Koena ‘DJ Bluetooth’ Segodi is making waves in SABC 3’s popular soapie music list circle and says the opportunity allows him to grow and work on his craft as a musician.

Born and bred in Mabokolele, Limpopo, the self taught DJ is also a music composer and producer.

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“I started my music career in 2012, when I decided to put my passion to good use and make music and that turned out really great. I hustled harder to grow my name and get recognized as a musician. Being featured on a much loved, popular soapie drama series on national television made me realize that all dreams are possible with just the right amount of hard work, put in and faith of course,” he explained.

His music is now making significant rounds all over the country and he says that he hopes that this creates more growth for him so that he can have a positive impact on the upcoming generation who have dreams and visions of venturing into the music and entertainment industry.

Focusing on house music, DJ Bluetooth says he also does film scores as well as commercial behind the scenes music featured on soapies such as Isidingo.

“It is not easy to be venture into the music and entertainment industry. It is challenging, financially more so, as the big money mostly goes to the big name artists, musicians and producers. This is why one must work hard and push until they get noticed in this industry. Passion must be at the top of the list and also one must keep up with current trends if needs be, but not lose their craft and authenticity as creatives and artists. Knowledge and resources were not easily accessible which is why I started late in my music career, however, people need to learn and know that dreams delayed aren’t dreams un-achievable or attainable,” he added.

He says that he did not study anything to do with music, however did take some time to learn about midi programming and music composition to gain knowledge about the type of music that he does, which is more of music for films, soapies etc.”I was so much excited like someone who achieved something that’s almost not possible, later I got used to it and I’ve come to appreciate and learn more about the music industry including the importance of copy rights with regards to publishing,” explained DJ Bluetooth.

Currently, he works in retail for a big grocery outlet and says that its not easy but doable, considering the hours he needs to put in at work and also put in some work to work on his music and music career. He dreams of having his music played on international soapies and movies and that he plans to work even harder going forward to ensure that his dream becomes a reality.

His music is also played on Energy Fm every Monday and Tuesday between 14:15 – 15:00 on the Energy Drive show.

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