Young stars aspire to become supermodels

At only six and seven years of age Mohludi Dithipe and Ohlotse Modise, both students of Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy, are determined to make it big in the modelling industry. Since taking their first steps in the modelling and beauty world two years ago the two have already won major titles and have captured the …

At only six and seven years of age Mohludi Dithipe and Ohlotse Modise, both students of Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy, are determined to make it big in the modelling industry.
Since taking their first steps in the modelling and beauty world two years ago the two have already won major titles and have captured the hearts of their audiences with their exceptional modelling skills.

Mohludi Dithipe and Ohlotse Modise.

They were recently shortlisted for a big television commercial in Gauteng out of thousands of young models from different parts of the country who participated in the casting.
Mohludi, a Grade 2 pupil at Eagle’s Nest Christian School said she was happy to be shortlisted for the advertisement. “It was my first time doing television commercial casting. I will forever cherish the experience. The casting has opened my eyes and enabled me to explore the modelling industry. I met with other young models who are still finding their feet in the industry and I enjoyed every moment,” Mohludi said.
She says she aspires to be Miss South Africa and a medical doctor in the near future. “My mother always tells me I must not forget my books because education is very important. I want to achieve both and follow the footsteps of other top models who are professionals.”
Some of her major tittles include Little Miss Polokwane Observer 2018, Little Miss Face of Savannah, Little Miss Diamond and Little Miss Queen of the North.
Ohlotse Modise, a Grade 1 learner at Curro Heuwelkruin also dreams of making it big in the modelling industry. She says she wants to become an international model after completing her Aviation Degree. “I love modelling with all my heart. I would want to be on billboards, become a face or an ambassador of a bigger brand one day. But I want to fly planes and explore the world first,” Ohlotse said. She is the reigning Little Miss Diamond, Little Miss Summer Glitz, Little Face of Savannah and Little Miss Queen of the North.
Both attributed all their success and achievements to their parents whom, according to them, sacrificed a lot in ensuring that they become better children and live their dreams at an early age. “They enrolled us at a modelling academy after realising our potential. We were very shy at the beginning but we grew in confidence. The academy has helped us a lot, we learn about sisterhood, public speaking, professionalism and social responsibility. We are currently running an anti-bullying campaign together with Katryn Celliers who is the Chief Executive Officer of Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy. The campaign is aimed at creating a safe learning environment for learners at schools. We want learners to love each other and stop fighting amongst themselves,” said Mohludi and Ohlotse.
Recently the two and their fellow models were given a platform to showcase their talent and techniques to shoppers at Mall of the North Freeze modelling exhibition. “It was our first outdoor modelling chance and we enjoyed every single moment. It was nerve wrecking because we did not know what to expect from the audience. We received plenty of compliments from shoppers and some suggested we should be mannequins at the retail shops. We will forever cherish the moments,” they enthused.

Story & photo: Herbert Rachuene

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